About the Owner 

Patricia Ames


My goal is to assist you in overcoming any obstacles, difficulties, or barriers that might impede your Career progress. I acknowledge that there are numerous factors, both in your personal and professional life, that can influence the choices you make. Together, we will utilize the resources you already possess, as well as the ones we will offer, to help you navigate through any challenges that come your way.

My mission is to provide you the necessary tools to begin unlocking your full potential! I am here to provide career encouragement, motivation, accountability, support, and guide you on the path to discovering your genuine abilities. 

Embracing guidance does not diminish your skills or qualifications. It serves as an additional resource to assist you in reaching your desired destination. It is important to acknowledge that no matter how knowledgeable we believe ourselves to be, there is always room for further learning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding Interview Prep and how it can help:

Practice doesn’t always make perfect, but it sure can help you be prepared. We understand some people like to ‘wing’ interviews and are great at it. While others may need time to prepare themselves to feel ‘ready’ or close it. Being prepared doesn’t diminish your skills or qualifications; it just shows that you prefer to be proactive and have a sense of control. Our service give you the confidence to demonstrate to the employer that you are the perfect fit for the role. 

Importance of properly formatting your resume: 

Having a well-written and properly formatted resume is crucial for your success, as it greatly impacts your chances of making it through the computer screening process. Even if you possess the qualifications required for the position, a poorly crafted resume may hinder your progress. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize the quality of your resume to maximize your chances of success. Many any companies use computer software to select applicants based on ‘key words’ which are pulled from both, your resume and application which is known as ATS (Applicant Tracking System – or similar programs). 

Typical Applicant screening process includes: 
Resume has to make it through the computer software first.
– If it does pass, they are typically sent to an individual within the company (HR, admin, or Hiring Manager).
– They are screened again by an individual, and they may only feel a handful should be passed to the hiring manager.
– From there, the hiring manager will review the resumes, and could potentially decide to select a few individuals they would like to interview.

Can I customize packages?

The short answer is: On a case-by-case basis. If you are wanting to customize a package, please do not hesitate to call or email me so we can further assist you.

Additional Information 

We do not post job openings for other companies/businesses.
We do not apply for jobs for you.
No subscription or membership required to work with us.
Your email will not be shared with other businesses/individuals for any reason.